Monday, December 29, 2008

Fitness Answer Man: Super Hero???

Well not quite.

That was the dream of a a 10 year old Chad Smith when he picked up his first "Green Lantern" comic book.

I wanted to be strong and powerful just like Green Lantern, and Batman, and Luke Cage.

I didn't let that dream go.

It drove me into the Boys Club weight room in 6th grade, and drove me to read everything I could get my hands on about how to build the "perfect" physique through high school and beyond.

To this day, I still get inspired when I flip through the pages of my favorite comic books (yep still read a few).

With Hollywood finally making some good comic-based movies, I can respect the amount of work the actors playing my favorite heroes had to put in to achieve the look of a superhero.

Watch this, Hugh Jackman got all jacked up:

Find a reason to do what you do.

My reason was comic books. That led me to a bodybuilding championship, and one of the most respected physiques in professional wrestling

Do you want to impress the ladies?

Want to make men's heads turn?

Do you just want to stop darting past the mirror when you are naked?

Do you want to buy a great Italian cut suit?

Do you want to get a "Carrie Bradshaw" wardrobe?

Whatever it is, let it drive you to success.

Stay strong, and make it happen everyday,



My next "Fitness 360" boot camp begins January 12th. Are you in?

Read what one camper had to say:

"I would absolutely recommend this boot camp to anyone of any age or fitness level. The best part about this camp is the versatility, expertise and energy from the trainer each and every session. If you are looking for something to jump start your fitness or to challenge yourself, this camp is your answer. I have participated in several boot camps and this one is by far the BEST!!! Unlike other boot camps I have tried, you do not have to be in-shape to participate. Just sign up, bring a water bottle and be ready to have fun. Oh yeah, don’t forget your sweat towel…you will need it."

Mental Health Care Manager
Hagerstown, MD

Get over to for more details, and to get yourself registered.

See you at camp!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Holiday Wishes, And 2 Gifts...

It is the night before Christmas, and I wish you and your family the best of the best of holiday experiences tomorrow.

I also wish you a bright 2009 past all of the economic struggles our contry is temporarily experiencing.

Don't you wish you could feel as good all year round as you do this time of year?

Everyone is extra nice, and this is the one time of year where you just feel like giving it all away.

After it's all said and done, it is possible to carry that spirit into 2009. Make it a habit to do something nice for a complete stranger everyday.

You would be surprised what a random act of kindness will do for your attitude and general outlook on life.

In that spirit of giving, I have just released a FREE report entitled: "Weight Loss Secrets Revealed!"

You can get it by completing the request form to the right. I'm giving it away to help you or someone you know get the truth about what really needs to be done to make physical change in 2009.

Plus, if you live in Hagerstown, MD, I have 10 free 2 week passes for my "Fitness 360" Boot Camp to give away, and they are burning a hole in my hand.

So there are my 2 gifts to you for 2009, what are you going to give today?

Make it happen starting today,


Friday, December 19, 2008

Fitness pros get a bad rap at times. And hey, sometimes it's well deserved.

It's unfortunate, but there are still way too many "meat head" trainers who are more interested in looking at themselves in a mirror than they are in their own clients.

But we also take heat at times for being too interested in looks and appearance than health and wellness.

Well, I'm going to fill you in on a little secret.

We've tried to market our businesses by educating people about the health benefits of proper nutrition and exercise.

We'd love for people to care more about their health than how they look.

Unfortunately, and this holds true for the vast majority of people, they only care about their health once they've lost it.

Think about that for a little bit. I can tell you right now the unscrupulous marketers online are making a FORTUNE promoting these Acai Berry pills right now.

And they are able to do that because they are promoting it as weight loss and not the real benefit of Acai Berry.

It is the "magic pill" of the day.

If you've been paying attention to the weight loss market you'll know it used to be Hoodia.

Now, you might not like it, but I'm not going to be the one to lie to you.

I'm not going to be the one to tell you take this little pill and watch the weight fall off.

Acai Berry is a heck of an antioxidant that can help your body fight the aging process and help boost your immune system, but it's not going to flush the excess pounds off your belly, butt, hips and thighs.


Now my friends at prograde have an amazing product that includes Acai Berry as one of its main ingredients.

But unlike the Grade A scumbags out there lying to you, they only promote their product for what it is; a very powerful Antioxidant formula to help boost your health. So if your health is of interest to you then definitely check out

Sorry if this ticks you off. I'm here to shed light on the truth for you. It's up to YOU to decide whether or not your health is more valuable to you than your appearance.

Make it happen everyday!

Yours in health,


- Again, if you value your health and want help with the aging process I can't recommend to you enough.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chad's Crystal Ball: Top Fitness Trends For 2009

Well, we're a few days from Christmas, and it’s time for my annual fitness year in review.

Sadly, it appears as though the fitness industry as a whole has again failed to produce any significant results on a broad scale to effectively reverse the scary obesity epidemic that is plaguing our society.

More specifically, the sickening fact that American adults keep getting fatter, more lethargic, and less healthy has mirrored the unabated deterioration in the health and fitness of our youth population.

However, on a positive note, I feel that 2009 will be host to several growing fitness trends that will provide the long-term answers to solve this ever-growing problem:

Fitness Trend#1- Fitness Boot Camps Will Rise, One-On-One Personal Training Will Fall

You’d have to be living in a cave to not be aware of the fact that we are in the midst of the biggest economic recession since The Great Depression. With the disappearance of the middle class and an economy that will most likely get worse before it gets better, the average American simply does not have the disposable income for typical personal training rates that run about $60 per hour.

However, with every problem emerges a solution; fitness boot camps are just that. Boot camps are probably the hottest thing in the fitness game right now. The group training business model creates the ultimate win-win for trainers and clients making the one-on-one alternative obsolete.

Fitness trainers get to better leverage their time and maximize profits by working with an unlimited number of clients per hour. Fitness clients are able to better access personal training services in a unique and dynamic team environment that provides better social support and accountability for only a the third of the cost of typical one-on-one training rates.

Fitness boot camps are popping up all over the country, and for good reason. If you are trying to lose weight in 2009, do yourself a favor by saving your hard-earned money to get better results by joining a local fitness boot camp.

Fitness Trend#2- Interval Training Destroys Aerobic Training For Improved Fat Loss And Fitness 100% Of The Time

High-Intensity Interval Training is rapidly gaining popularity as the best form of improving both fitness and fat loss. Thankfully, 2009 will see more people doing sprints and less people doing marathons to lose weight. However, make no mistake about it, lots of people are still going to do hours of snail-paced cardio to burn fat.

Aerobic or endurance training is essentially going at a slow, low intensity pace for a long period of time (typically at least 30-60 minutes). In other words, the focus of endurance training is on the total volume of exercise (not quality). Think about all those speed limpers you see every New Year foolishly running for hours pounding the pavement or treadmill to get rid of that winter blubber. Sadly, this results in minimal fat loss and lots of overtraining injuries (e.g. ______-its).

With interval training, the focus is on the intensity of exercise (quality). Intervals consist of alternating between shorts bouts of all out high-intensity effort and active recovery periods for a much quicker and focused amount of time (typically 10-20 minutes of intervals works best). This approach is scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat AND lead to faster improvements in fitness than the aerobic alternative.

Two landmark scientific studies come to mind here:

The Tabata study compared the effects of four minutes of high-intensity interval training with 45-60 minutes of low to moderate intensity cardio. The interval training group burned just as much fat as the endurance group and also had greater improvement in both anaerobic (think sprinters) and aerobic (think distance runners) fitness… in only four minutes!

The Gibala study compared the effects of 20 minutes of interval training (30 second sprint followed by four minutes of rest) with 90-120 minutes of endurance training in the “heartrate zone.” The conclusions of the study were that both methods of training lead to the same improvements in oxygen utilization (or aerobic fitness). In other words, intervals accomplished what endurance training did from a fitness standpoint in only a sixth of the time!

The time is now to jump on the interval training bandwagon. Come 2009, do yourself and your body a favor and start sprinting to look better naked.

Fitness Trend#3- Lean Protein And Fiber Are The Carbohydrate Addict’s Answer For Improved Health, Performance, and Body Composition

Americans are carb addicts. We just can’t seem to get enough starches and sugars in our diet, and we have the bulging midsections to prove it. One of the biggest misconceptions about diet today is that eliminated starches and sugars from your diet automatically means low carb.

Better said, eliminating grains (even whole grains) and refined sugars still allows for consumption of the other carbohydrates: fruits and veggies. These nutrient-dense carbs are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber and create more stable blood sugar levels to keep your body burning fat all day long.

All of my clients who have lost the most fat have followed our guidelines of unlimited veggies all day long (besides corn, peas, carrots, beets, and potatoes). In other words, eat lots of veggie carbs, and very little of the other stuff if you want to see your abs!

The overwhelming scientific literature proving the fat burning benefits of a diet high in lean protein and fiber is finally catching the eye of mainstream consumers. Protein is the most important component of each and every meal or snack you consume. It builds and maintains muscle, allows your body to preferentially burn fat, increases metabolism through the thermic effect of feeding, and fills you up.

Fiber (ideally obtained from fruits and vegetables, specifically green vegetables) helps slow digestion for a more steady supply of nutrients and sustained energy, it prevents overeating at each meal, and it helps keep you more full between meals. Thus by combining protein and fiber every two to four hours, you provide your body with the optimal one-two belly fat burning punch for a leaner, sexier you.]

No doubt, people will be consuming more protein and fruits and veggies next year, and their bodies will reap the rewards of this.

Well, those are the top fitness trends for 2009 according to my crystal ball. I hope this information gives you the push you need to be the trendsetter for your own body and the bodies of those whom you care most about in the New Year!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Quick Holiday Dessert Ideas

I know, I know, I know.

The holidays are here and temptation seems to be EVERYWHERE.

Now is NOT the time for those with a sweet tooth to fall off the wagon.

So that's why I've got two great Holiday dessert ideas for you that won't pack on the pounds.

First, is Grilled Banana Splits. Here's the simple ingredients you'll need:

4 ripe bananas

2 Tbsp chocolate chips

1/2 cup non-fat, frozen vanilla yogurt

4 tsp chopped walnuts

Here are the easy-to-follow directions:

1- Preheat oven to 400 degrees

2- Place each banana on its side on a piece of foil. Cut a slit lengthwise across the top. Leave the skin attached.

3- Push 1/2 Tbsp chocolate chips into the slit of each banana.

4- Wrap the bananas with the foil, leaving the top open. Grill or bake about 15 minutes or until the chocolate melts.

5- Loosen the foil and press the bananas open a little.

6- Top each banana with 2Tbsp of the frozen yogurt and sprinkle with 1tsp walnuts.That's it for a nutritious and delicious treat!

Second, if you like your life even easier, and you're a big fan of Dark Chocolate, you are going to LOVE Prograde Cravers.

I seriously cannot even begin to tell you how delicious they taste.

You have to watch this video to see for yourself. You'll see fitness professionals like myself tasting Prograde Cravers for the very first time.

Yes, fitness pros that have tasted every bar on the planet are amazed at how good they taste.

Trust me, you have to see this:

Make It Happen Everyday,


PS - Seriously, Cravers make the PERFECT holiday dessert. They are less than 200 calories and are made from organic dark chocolate.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

10 Great Last Minute Fitness Gifts

If you’ve hit a wall on what to get your friends or family for the holidays, then why not get them a fitness gift. Heck, you could even put some fitness gifts on your own holiday wish list. After all, who doesn’t want to look or perform better? Here is official my top 10 list of the best last minute fitness gifts for 2008:

1.) A Foam Roller

If you’re like most people, you spend a lot of your day nailed to a desk. And when you actually do have time to workout, all you usually can fit in is the workout itself. Really, who has time for daily stretching?

Well that’s where a foam roller comes in. It’s a phenomenal corrective self-massage tool that will dramatically bolster injury prevention and improve performance. It’s ideal to use for at least five minutes post-workout to promote healing of the small micro-tears in your muscles that result from high-intensity training to jumpstart the recovery process. Plus, a foam roller both kneads out and lengthens your muscle and connective tissues thus alleviating, if not eliminating, nagging aches and pains in your back, knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows.

If you’re going to get a foam roller, get a good one. The cheaper options tend to wear down into a limp noodle for larger individuals after a couple of months. I get all of my foam rollers from Perform Better. My brand of choice is The EVA Premium Foam Roller (about $30), I have used it 3-4 times a week for the last several years and I swear by it! You can get it at

2.) Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are by far the most simple, convenient, and affordable equipment option in the fitness industry. They supply total portability for killer workouts that can be done anywhere. If you are a busy professional who does a lot of traveling, bands are the perfect lightweight training tool to take your workouts with you on the road as they can fit in the smallest of bags without a problem.

If you are a busy Mom looking to workout in the comfort of your own home, bands can make this happen too. Bands provide the perfect compliment to your body weight circuit training workouts for added variety, allow for multiple levels of resistance with practically zero transition and set-up time, are easy on the joints, and are fun to use!

3.) A Gift Card to a Sporting Goods Store For Fitness Equipment and Apparel

You can’t beat a sporting goods store like Dick’s Sporting Goods to get the best fitness equipment and apparel on the market today. I always recommend going with a gift card here because everybody has their own preferences, particularly when it comes to clothing sizes and styles.

4.) A Gift Card to Whole Foods, Trader Joes, or Other Premium Grocery Stores

Rather then waste money on an overpriced restaurant, why not give a week’s worth of groceries to a 100% organic grocer like Whole Foods to a friend or loved one. After all, everybody’s got to eat, but how many of us actually eat the right stuff to support our fitness goals?

I must admit, several years ago I thought Whole Foods was just for rich people or hippies, but boy was I wrong. A lot of everyday people shop there almost exclusively these days, particularly when buying produce to avoid foods that are typically loaded with hormones and pesticides at other regular run of the mill grocery stores. The key is to go in with a budget in mind (e.g. spend $50 bucks on protein, $20 on fruits and veggies, and $10 on miscellaneous items) only buying what you need.

5.) A Gift Card to a Massage Therapist

Most of us are crazy busy and super stressed out during the holiday season and nothing eases the tension like a good massage. This is about as can’t miss of a gift as it gets, unless you know someone who doesn’t like to be touched. It’s nice to be pampered on occasion, and though the foam roller I mentioned above can do wonders for the majority of your body, nothing can alleviate tension in your upper back, neck, and head like a good massage therapist!

6.) Supplements that Work: Protein Powders, Essential Oils, Multi-Vitamin

I have helped hundreds of people lose hundreds of pounds of fat. In my journey, I have found only three supplements to be a mandatory part of the optimal fat loss program: protein powders, Essential Oils oil, and multi-vitamin supplements.

Protein powders provide great liquid workout nutrition and a convenient meat alternative for on-the-go snacking. For a protein powder, look for a brand low in sugar and carbohydrates and with a mix of both whey and casein (fast and slow absorbing proteins). I like Metabolic Drive available at

Fish oil, or more appropriately entitled an essential fatty acid (EFA) supplement, is critical to providing key omega 3’s to maximize overall health, performance, and body composition. Studies show that krill oil provides the most effective dosing of EFA’s.

A multi-vitamin provides keys vitamins and minerals that are tough to obtain unless your diet is near picture perfect. I don’t know about you, but I like to cover my bases when it comes to my health. Be sure to choose a multi-vitamin supplement that is made from whole foods rather than synthetic materials, in addition to being made specifically for your gender.

My clients and I rock with VGF+25 and EFA Icon, both included in Prograde’s Health+ Package available at

Make it happen for the holidays and have a very safe and happy New Year!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

13 "Fat Free" Holiday Fitness Tips

There are a bunch of handy damage control diet strategies that you should employ to best prevent yourself from overdoing it at the dinner table this holiday season. Use the tips below to allow yourself to stay social and to be able to indulge in moderation without splitting your pants before the New Year:

1.) Perform High-Intensity Activity Before and/or After a Big Meal or Holiday Feast

I know, I know. I promised diet strategies, but I simply cannot go without recommending some activity. Your body is most receptive to higher calorie and/or carbohydrate meals within 30 minutes before and within three hours following high-intensity activity. Ideally you would want to workout out before AND after a big meal, but if you can only do one, that will suffice. It is less important when you do it and more important that you do it. Your best options will be 20 minutes of circuit resistance training or cardio interval training. Even a 20-30 plus minute walk a few hours afterwards can serve as a bit of damage control.

2.) Do NOT Fast in Preparation for a Big Meal or Holiday Feast

Fasting in preparation for a free meal will not only lead to overeating, but worse: overeating foods that are extremely high in sugar, fat, or both! Your body is a survival mechanism. If it hasn’t had food in a while it anticipates a famine state. This means that the next time that you eat your body will use as much of the incoming food as possible to store as body fat (survival energy) in anticipation that it won’t see food again for another long period of time. Do yourself and your body a favor by eating every two to four hours as you normally should to prevent yourself from becoming a ravenous, fat-storing beast this holiday season!

3.) Do NOT Gorge Yourself

Eat until the point of satisfaction, not discomfort. Remember this: binge eating is not the habit of lean individuals. It is imperative to understand that that holiday meals are not a ticket to eat as much as you can in as little time as possible. However, listen to your body and make sure to enjoy the foods you are craving in moderation and only eat when you are hungry.

4.) Eat a High-Fiber, Protein-Rich Meal An Hour Before a Holiday Event

A meal high in fiber and protein before a big holiday meal will help prevent overeating by making you feel more full which in turn means less calories consumed during the ensuing feast. My favorite strategy is to drink a protein shake with a added fiber and healthy fats (e.g. 2-4 Tbsp. flax meal) and 1 liter of water before such a meal to help keep me nice and full upon arrival. This way you won’t lose any friends by eating their entire dinner platter and you’ll save your midsection from a fluffier existence!

5.) Fill Up On Proteins and Fruits and Vegetables FIRST

Just because it’s a holiday meal doesn’t mean you can’t eat any nutritious food. Make sure to load up on healthier food choices first and try to eat as much lean meat, fish, and fruits and veggies as possible at the start of each holiday event. This will leave less room for the unhealthier, higher calorie treats. At least this way you know your body is getting in some good nutrition and you are not putting yourself at excessive risk for sickness and/or other health concerns.

6.) Drink Up!

Water competes for space in your stomach and truly helps decrease appetite. For every plate you eat, try to drink at least 1-2 glasses of water. After that second plate, when you have 1 full liter of water in your stomach, I bet you might just throw in the towel!

7.) Do NOT Eat Again Until Hungry Following a Large Meal

Now I know I already told you to eat every 2-4 hours, but there is one exception to this. If you eat a huge meal, it is important not to eat again until you are hungry and/or no longer full. If your body is not used to eating such a big meal, then it will take a much longer time to digest all that food and the worst thing you can do is put more food into an already full stomach, unless you goal is to do the stop, drop, and roll drill. Only when you are hungry again should you resume your normal eating plan following a big holiday meal.

8.) Immediately Resume Your Normal Eating Schedule at the Next Meal

What’s done is done. Now it is time to get back to your regular eating plan. Remember weekly caloric intake is far more important than daily caloric intake. For example, let’s say that you need 3,000 calories per day to maintain your current body weight. Well, all that you need to do is make sure the average daily caloric intake each week is 3,000 calories per day. This means that you can fluctuate your daily caloric intake and yield the same results as if you ate that same amount each day. So if you have one day of big eating where you eat 9,000 calories (just an example, not a recommendation), but you only eat 2,000 calories per day the rest of the week, you will still end up at the same caloric balance. Again, I am not recommending that you eat in such an extreme manner, rather I am suggesting that you do not have to obsess about being perfect. Enjoy some indulging in moderation at your various holiday festivities knowing that the week in review trumps a day in review, even when you are particularly naughty on any given day.

9.) Never Eat Junk Food for Breakfast or Before Bed

Eating a highly refined carbohydrate meal first thing in the morning will make your blood sugar levels go crazy for the rest of the day resulting in greater junk food cravings and uncontrollable hunger. On the other hand, eating a big meal before bed will result in a bunch of unused energy that will be stored as body fat and you very well may have trouble sleeping with all of that extra food volume in your stomach!

10.) Tame Your Plate
Try to eat only half of all the servings of unhealthy food that you choose. Half of the portions equal half the calories!

11.) Don't Drink Calories
One can easily consume over 1,000 calories per day from liquid calories alone. This means that in one week, you will gain 2 lbs of body fat from just fluids! Opt for regular solid food calories versus empty liquid calories (e.g. juices and soft drinks), for at least the food will fill you up and provide some nutrition where as liquid calories, particularly alcohol, have no such effect. Rather, sugary and/or alcoholic drinks tend to make you hungrier in general and often hungrier for junk food in particular. Furthermore, your body cannot burn fat until the alcohol is processed out of your body in addition to the fact that alcohol consumption actually lowers leptin levels thus defeating one of the main purposes of this flexible eating (decreased leptin levels increase hunger and decreases your body’s use of fat for fuel). Thus over-consumption of alcohol can prevent the fat burning process from resuming until several days later and/or even cause unwanted fat gain and thus set you back as little as a few days to as long as a full week!

12.) Use Lower Calorie/Carbohydrate Substitutes Whenever Possible

Instead of using sugar, opt for zero calorie alternatives like splenda or stevia. They can deliver a similar taste without all of the extra sugar and calories. Even try replacing yeast with protein powder when you bake. The extra protein and reduced carbohydrates will result in a slimmer you while still providing some great tasting treats! Your goal should be to find the minimal amount of calories that can provide the same great taste that makes the holiday treats enjoyable rather than simply overdoing it because you can!

13.) Avoid Eating Competing Calories

The absolute worst thing that you can do is to eat a meal that is high in both fat and carbs. The high amount of carbs will lead to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels and thus large increases in the potent fat-storing hormone Insulin. The high amount of fat will lead to a large increase in free fatty acids in your bloodstream. Since Insulin is already present in large amounts, in addition to there being a large amount of free fatty acids now available in your blood, the stage is set for all those free fatty acids to be gobbled up and stored by your fat cells. This is the equivalent of becoming the next Goodyear blimp, so it is imperative to use caution at your holiday meals when it comes to combining fat (particularly saturated and trans fats) and carbs (particularly starches and refined sugars). In general, it is best to choose one over the other. But since most people crave carbs at their free meals, it is essential to keep the fat low at this meal.

Want pasta?

Instead of alfredo sauce, opt for marinara sauce with whole grain pasta.

Want pizza?

Make your own pizza with whole grain crust and fat-free cheese.

Want mashed potatoes?

Well then be sure to skip the gravy and go easy on the butter.

These small changes can literally save you hundreds, even thousands of calories, and more importantly will prevent your holiday feasts from creating the optimal fat-storing environment that will set you back from achieving your health and fitness goals.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fitness Answer Man For Sale???

As I'm sure you know, the United Way is an organization that is near and dear to my heart. I grew up in the agencies and organizations they help fund, and I don't know if I would be who I am today if I hadn't.

I developed my passion for fitness in the Boys and Girls Club weight room, and began my career path at the Y.M.C.A.

Whenever I have an opportunity to give the United Way an assist, I jump. I'm donating 4 weeks in my fitness boot camp to the United Way of Washington County's online auction fundraiser.

If you've ever wanted to work with me, here is your opportunity to do it and help an organization that has been doing good work in the area for decades.

The value of the 4 week boot camp is over $150.00 and includes some extras like:
  • a fat blasting 4 week nutrition plan
  • an exclusive "off day" training plan
  • two 30 minute telephone coachings
  • a grocery shopping tour
  • a "swag bag" from or business neighbors valued at over $250
The auction ends December 8th at 9pm, so don't delay.

Click HERE to view the listing and bid

While you're there, why don't you look around and see what other goodies you can bid on. I heard there is a Rolex watch up for grabs from R. Bruce Carson Jewelers (get that for me!).

Come back here on Saturday when "I'll give you my 13 holiday diet tips" To help you roll into 2009 a little leaner (it is possible).


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We all know how busy the holidays can be. However, do not let yourself get caught in the trap of not working out to make more time for holiday errands or events. It is a big mistake to risk losing the lean muscle mass and strength that you have worked so hard to build and maintain. Why you ask? Losses in lean muscle mass will lower your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for the vast majority (about 60-75%) of your total daily calorie burning. This means that everyday you will be burning less and less calories which will put you at a much greater risk of putting on ugly, unwanted body fat during the holidays. Plus, losing strength will mean that the next time you start to work out your performance will be sub par and you’ll get smacked in the face with that ugly word that no one ever wants to encounter when it comes to their training: regression! Furthermore, there are many clever ways to maintain or increase the number of calories you burn per day, both from exercise and from your normal daily activities, to stay fat-free this holiday season. Use the strategies below to maintain and/or increase your current amount of lean muscle mass and maximize your daily calorie burn to best protect yourself against the deadly holiday bloat!

1.) Perform at least one intense strength training session per week

Studies show that only a single strength training workout per week during times when you cannot train as frequently as you normally do is an effective way to maintain your current levels of strength and lean muscle mass. So, to best maintain your strength and lean muscle mass, shoot for at least one good strength training workout per week to stay buff during the holidays and to prevent unwanted regressions in fitness. To best prevent weight gain, aim for three total body strength workouts per week. To maximize fat burning, perform three total body strength workouts per week and also perform three cardio interval workouts per week on non strength-training days.

2.) Hit Your Totals

Your body is a moron. In other words, it cannot differentiate between 100 push-ups performed in a row versus 100 total push-ups performed in a day. When you honestly cannot find a five to 20-minute time slot to complete an effective total body workout, look for hidden chunks of time during the day to get in a certain number of daily repetitions for a certain number of exercises that work your entire body. Got a free moment from now until you need to take the turkey out of the oven? Then, bang out 10 push-ups, 10 rows, and 20 squats. Using this method throughout the day will lead to big numbers by the end of the day that will burn the same amount of calories in addition to creating similar muscle building effects as if you did all of the exercises at once during a single workout.

It is important to note that this “Hit Your Totals” routine is merely a back-up option to the ideal 20-minute interval training workouts which are scientifically proven to burn nine times more fat than ordinary exercise (see my article How to Build 5-Minute Total Body Fat Burning Workouts for the Holidays for more info). Short rest periods between exercises create the optimal hormonal environment for rapid fat loss and lean muscle gain, where as the long rest periods (full recovery) between movements do not. However, it comes down to effective (“Hit Your Totals”) versus optimal (50-10 Total Body Circuit Interval Training Workouts), so be sure to at least be effective this holiday season!

Make sure to pick multi-joint, compound movements that hit as much of your body’s major muscle groups in the shortest amount of time possible (e.g. squats, deadlifts, lunges, push-ups, rows, etc.). Use the plan below as template to build your own “Hit Your Totals” workout. Adjust the repetition ranges accordingly based on your current strength levels. The only thing you need is your body weight and adjustable dumbbells and/or resistance bands. Perform this plan up to three times per week, resting a day between workouts. Make sure to alternate between Plan A and Plan B for more variety. You can either hit your total by doing one exercise first (e.g. perform push-ups rest-pausing as needed until you get 100 total), or by simply employ circuit style training (e.g. 20 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 rows, repeat 10x throughout the day to hit your totals).

The Hit Your Total Workout For The Holidays
Plan A-

Body weight Squats or Hip Extensions: 100-200 total
Push-ups: 50-100 total
DB/Band Rows: 50-100 total

Plan B-

Body weight Lunges or Single-Leg Hip Extensions: 50-100/total per leg
Off Chair/Couch Dips: 50-100 total
DB/Band Curls: 50-100 total (feel free to swap pull-ups or pull-downs here if you have access to the equipment)

3.) Rage Against The Machines

Machines have made us an incredibly out of shape and chubby country. This holiday season make it a point to not use them! Now I don’t mean to say that you cannot drive to the mall during the holidays. However, when you get to the mall, try to park further away so you can do more walking to get inside. Avoid using elevators and escalators and opt for the stairs; all those steps truly do add up. Instead of having your naughty kids carry the bags, burn more calories by carrying the bags yourself (sorry, that was the former naughty kid in me raging, ha ha). Stay on your feet as much as possible and resist the temptation to let an appliance or machine do the work for you.

4.) Engage in more outdoor holiday activities

I have been in some pretty incredible snowball fights in my day. Though I was always having a blast while pelting my friends behind cleverly built forts, I was never aware of how exhausting a good snowball fight can truly be until I came inside afterwards. My clothes were soaked with sweat and I had spent the last 30 minutes or so in total fight or flight mode. Talk about an awesome way to burn calories without even thinking about it! Get outdoors this holidays season and throw around the pigskin or have your very own “Ice Bowl.” Once again, all these calories here and there truly do add up and could make a difference between you fitting in your pants or ripping your pants by the time the clock strikes midnight this New Year!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fitness Answer Man,,,Anytime

I'm pleased to announce that I've partnered up with Anytime Fitness of Hagerstown, MD to provide the finest in personal fitness services at a world class facility.

I'm currently accepting new fitness, and nutrition coaching clients, and forming small group fat loss training classes.

E-mail me at for a FREE one week pass, and to book a consultation with me !

I'm excited to be working with Dan, Dave, and the rest of the crew at Anytime Fitness Hagerstown. You can get more information about their club at

Don't forget to e-mail me at fitnessanswerman@live .com for your one week FREE pass and consultation today!

If you e-mail me by Wednesday, December 3, I'll give you a copy of my brand new report: "21 Insider Tips To Fitness Success: Weight Loss Success Secrets From The Fitness Answer Man"

Stay Strong!


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Play Your Way Fit

Something I'm noticing that's really cool in my boot camp is people like to play.

We started doing more game based fitness drills, and my campers are getting into it.

We did a game at the end of camp the other day with a 2lbs handled medicine ball that we had fun with and really challenged their fitness and power endurance.

They all took turns throwing this ball in one of 4 ways that I showed them down a soccer field, then ran after it.

After the ball stopped moving, the next person would throw it. So on and so on for 10 minutes. They were surprised how tiring it was.

Sometimes you have to just play.

Don't get bogged down in exercise science, and just PLAY!

Talk to you tomorrow,


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

An Early Thanksgiving Feast!

As most of my clients already know, there's only one nutrition company I believe has your best interests at heart. And when I heard they were having a rather unusual sale for Thanksgiving I had to tell you about it.

You see, has two big reasons to be thankful this week.

1- They have completely revamped their website. It really is cool and it makes ordering SO much simpler.

2- They have just released their brand new Anti-oxidant formula - Prograde Longevity.

Oh, and the interesting part is it's an 11% off everything sale. Here are some other details I want to make sure you know about:

- Again, you receive 11% off all Prograde products.

- It will run from Monday, November 24th until Friday, November 28th at 11:59pm EST.

- Yes, that 11% will be applicable to SmartShip orders. But it only applies to that first purchase. Not ongoing.

- The coupon code your clients will need at checkout is:


(Yes, it all needs to be in lower case.)

- In case you missed it, the website is

Oh, and you should definitely check out Prograde WORKOUT - that's my favorite Prograde product. I've been using it with pretty amazing results.

Yours in health,


PS- Remember, this Thanksgiving celebration ends this Friday, so be sure to order right away and take advantage of these BIG savings.

Monday, November 24, 2008

How To Use Your Thanksgiving Turkey To Create Healthy, Fat Blasting Meals

It’s about that time of year again, when that big old bird comes out of the oven for Thanksgiving. People tend to associate Thanksgiving dinner with sinful excess and horrible holiday weight gain. Now you can blame stuffing, mashed potatoes with loads of butter and gravy, and pumpkin pie for that, but leave the sexy turkey out of it! After all, turkey is packed with lean protein that simultaneously elevates metabolism and promotes fat burning and lean muscle growth. It is also a lean protein, meaning there is very little fat in it, as long as you remove the skin.

Protein is the sole macronutrient responsible for building and repairing your body’s tissue stores (fat and carbs simply provide energy). More specifically, regular protein intake is vital in accelerating the repair of muscle damage from high-intensity activities like strength training and cardio interval training. In addition, adequate protein intake every two to four hours is essential in maintaining your current levels of lean muscle mass. This is important because the more muscle you have the larger your metabolic engine, thus the more calories (and fat) you burn on a daily basis since muscle tissue requires lot of energy to sustain itself. Protein is also the least likely macronutrient to be stored as body fat and the mere act of digesting protein requires more than double the energy to digest than carbohydrate and dietary fat. So, if there is any food choice that you can truly get away with overeating this holiday season, it will be turkey.

Another key benefit to eating turkey is that it is easy to prepare in bulk and thus will save you much needed time in meal planning and preparation during the busy holiday season. You can roast a big old turkey and then have tons of meal options for days. Just think of what you can do with all those Thanksgiving leftovers! To inspire your turkey consumption efforts we’ve put together some awesome better body recipes that you can create with turkey as your lean protein foundation. Enjoy!

Turkey Salad


- 6-8 oz. Turkey Breast chopped into small cubes
- 1⁄4 red bell pepper
- 1⁄4 green bell pepper
- 1⁄4 red onion
- 2 Tbsp canola or olive oil mayo


Mix all ingredients together and enjoy over a bed of greens.

Makes one male serving and two female servings.

Turkey Cranberry Cream Cheese Roll-up


- 6-8 oz. Sliced Turkey
- 1 Tbsp Fat Free Cream Cheese
- 1 Tbsp Dried Cranberries 1⁄2 Clove of Roasted Garlic Salt and Pepper to taste
- 2 Whole Grain Tortillas


Soak cranberries in water for 20 minutes or microwave until soft if you are short on time. Mash the 1⁄2 clove of garlic. Mix cranberries, garlic, and cream cheese. Add salt and pepper to taste. Spread the mixture into the inside of the tortilla(s). Add turkey breast. Fold up sides, roll up, and enjoy!

Makes one male serving and two female servings.

Turkey Medallions With Cranberry Glaze

Turkey Medallions:
- 6-8 oz. Turkey
- Non-stick spray Turkey Seasoning

Cut Turkey Breasts into small medallions, sprinkle lightly with seasoning. Reheat in a pan sprayed with non-stick oil on medium heat until lightly browned on both sides. Drip Cranberry glaze (below) over the medallions.

Cranberry Glaze:
- 1 Cups Dry white wine
- Turkey or chicken stock, as needed
- 1 1⁄2 Cups Dried cranberries
- 1⁄4 Cup of Pine nuts, toasted
- Pinch of Salt

Add 1⁄2 cup of white wine and 1⁄2 cup of turkey stock to pan. Add other 1⁄2 cup of turkey stock, cranberries, pine nuts and pinch of salt. Cook over medium heat until reduced in volume by half, about 4 cups.

Makes one male serving and two female servings.

Turkey Shepherds Pie


- 2 cups cubed cooked turkey
- 3⁄4 cup turkey gravy
- 1 small can whole kernel corn
- drained 1 cup of chicken stock
- 1 cup of water
- 3 cups steamed cauliflower
- 2 cups celery, chopped 2 carrots
- chopped 1 onion chopped 2 cloves garlic
- minced 1 bell pepper, any color
- chopped Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 325 degrees. First you must make the gravy. Take the garlic, 1 cup of celery, carrots, onion, bell pepper, chicken stock, water, vegetables, salt and pepper to taste. Add to a pot, boil until vegetables are soft and blend in a blender or food processor.

Next, you will take the steamed cauliflower and mash it, or place it in a food processor until the consistency is like that of mashed potatoes.

Next, in a baking dish, layer the turkey, gravy, corn, remaining celery and mashed cauliflower. Bake, uncovered at 325 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

Makes 2 male servings and one female serving.

Turkey Florentine


- 1 (10 ounce) package frozen chopped spinach
- 2 tablespoons smart butter
- 1 cup cooked whole grain fettuccine
- 2 cups diced, cooked turkey
- 1 cup turkey or chicken stock 1
- (8 ounce) package fat free sour cream and onion dip
- 1⁄2 teaspoon onion salt
- 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
- Non-stick cooking spray


Cook spinach according to package directions; drain. Stir in smart butter. Place noodles in a non-stick sprayed baking dish; top with spinach. Combine turkey, stock, onion dip and onion salt and spoon over spinach. Sprinkle with Parmesan. Bake, uncovered, at 325 degrees F for 25 minutes or until bubbly.

Turkey Green Bean Casserole


- 1 bag of frozen green beans
- 6-8 oz. of cubed cooked turkey breast
- 1 can of organic cream of mushroom soup
- 2 cups Kraft all natural fat free cheese
- Salt and Pepper to taste


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix all ingredients into a casserole dish and bake for about 30 minutes or until completely hot. Makes one male serving and two female servings.

Make it happen!

BTW Registration for the December "holiday edition" boot camp will begin in one week! Email me for details:!

Chad Smith, NASM-CPT
Herald Mail's "Fitness Answer Man" COMING SOON!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Best Exercises for Rapid Fat Loss and Lean Muscle Gain

As a former 98 pound weakling and a current real world fat loss expert who has helped hundreds of people lose hundreds of pounds of fat, I know a thing or two about exercise selection. Because of this I am constantly asked what the best exercises are to lose fat AND gain muscle fast.

I’ll keep this as simple as possible for you. The best exercises for fat loss are also the best exercises for muscle gain and visa versa. These exercises all have one thing in common: they provide a UNIQUE challenge to your body AND involve as many muscles in your body as possible.

Both the scientific research and the real world case studies have shown that total body workouts are superior for maximal fat loss and muscle gain. But let’s take this one step further…

Let’s dramatically accelerate results by preferentially selecting TOTAL BODY EXERCISES within each TOTAL BODY WORKOUT! For example, squats are well known for being one of the best muscle-builders with a serious a fat-shredding effect. However, the squat goes from great to UNSTOPPABLE for changing your body for the better when you make it a combination movement by adding a row or press to each squat rep. It’s obvious that you can reap more benefits this way since you have now involved your upper body into the king of lower body exercises.

It’s as simple as the Look Better Naked Equation below:

Performing Total Body Exercises Within Each Total Body Workout -->

More Muscles Involved =

More Calories Burnt + Greater Muscle-Building Stimulus =

Greater Fat Lost + Greater Muscle Gain

To be honest, I have a true love-hate relationship with the following movements I am about to share with you. Love because of the unparalleled fat-melting, muscle-building results they provide to help maximize my sexy. Hate because they break me every single workout by leaving me in tears while in a pool of my own sweat. In other words, these are not for the weak of mind, body, or soul!

Without further adieu, here is the official top 10 list of my favorite exercises in the world for fat loss and lean muscle gain:

Exercise#1: Barbell Hang-Clean w/Overhead Press Combo

Exercise#2: Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up

Exercise#3: Reverse Lunge w/Medicine Ball Rotation Combo

Exercise#4: Kettlebell Swing

Exercise#5: Squat Thrust w/Jump

Exercise#6: Dumbell Lateral Lunge w/Curl to Overhead Press

Exercise#7: Barbell Bent-Over Row w/Romanian Deadlift Combo

Exercise#8: Jumping Medicine Ball Slam

Exercise#9: 3-Way Band/Tube Snapdowns

Exercise#10: Band/Pulley Squat To Rotation

I guarantee you better results in less time by regularly employing these movements into your workouts. Of course it’s now up to you to take your workouts, and your body, to the next level.

Come back here Friday as I'll be showing you how to do every one of these exercises for best results!

In later days I'll be sharing some more great exercises for those specific trouble spot areas (e.g. legs, butt, abs, chest, arms, etc.) that are holding your sexy back in the days to come ;)

Chad Smit, NASM-CPT
Herald Mail's "Fitness Answer Man"

Thursday, November 13, 2008

3 Reasons to Avoid Elliptical Machines

The latest Men's Health magazine comes down on elliptical machines hard.

Now I know elliptical machines are often the only option for people with bad knees, but if your knees are healthy, think twice before using the elliptical machine for these three reasons.

First, on page 52 of the December, 2008 issue, Men's Health warns,"Never trust elliptical machines".

They quote a study that found elliptical machines over-estimated the number of calories burned in a workout by 31%!


So if your "elliptical cardio workout" burned 400 calories, the truth is you really burned closer to only 300 calories. Second, later in the Dec. issue, Men's Health magazine interviewed Biggest Loser contestant Ed Brantley. Ed lost 73 pounds on theshow, but had this to say about elliptical machines, "I hated the elliptical. It was too easy, I didn't feel like I was doing anything."

Exactly. I couldn't have said it better myself.

But that's EXACTLY why elliptical machines are so popular...

You see, the third reason elliptical machines are inferior for fatloss is because they fail my "human nature" test.

Put it this way...

Take 100 people and put them in a gym with 100 treadmills and 100elliptical machines.

Tell them they have to exercise for 30 minutes at a hard pace, andthey have the choice to use either the treadmill or the elliptical.

Guess where 90% of folks are going?

The elliptical!


Because it is human nature to take the EASY WAY out. And that iswhy elliptical machines are so busy at the gym and you rarely seeanyone doing intervals on a treadmill or bodyweight circuits in thecorner of the gym.

Often I see folks using the elliptical machine only to say they"worked out", but without getting any REAL work done.

So if you are stuck at a fat loss plateau, and you've been counting on the elliptical machine to help you out, then forget it.

To burn fat and get more out of your workouts, do interval trainingoutside, on a bike or treadmill, or with kettlebell exercises or bodyweight circuits.

For more interval training and bodyweight workouts, visit:

This is a better option in your fight against the fat,

Your friend in fitness,

Chad Smith, NASM-CPT
Herald Mail's "Fitness Answer Man"

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Get S.M.A.R.T. for fitness success! PT 2

Yesterday I revealed the first two components of the S.M.A.R.T. model of goal achievement. Today I reveal the remaining 3. Read on!

A is for Attainable

When you set a goal that you have a burning desire to achieve you'll discover you're willing to go that extra mile, make that little sacrifice, and notice opportunities you might not have noticed before. You're committed to the goal, and are motived by the outcome once you achieve it. What does this have to do we making attainable goals? EVERYTHING. Consider this, if you set goals that are difficult to achieve, and you some what know that it's a long stretch for you to accomplish, 9 times out of 10 you won't do it. When setting SMART goals you should make a conscious effort to set goals that are a little bit of a stretch for you, but not out of reach.

For instance, losing 15 pounds in one week just isn't possible right. This isn't an attainable goal you might really want to achieve it, but the fact is no one can lose 15 pounds (in a healthy way) during one week. Now in contrast you could lose 1 pound per week for 15 weeks. This would be an attainable goal that will keep you motivated because you want the outcome of losing the weight, and feeling better about your health and appearance.

The point, challenge yourself enough so you're driven to achieve the goal. How ever don't set yourself up for failure by setting a goal that you subconsciously know is out of reach.

R is for Realistic

Now I know we just talked about setting attainable goals, and making a goal realistic, they somewhat goes hand in hand. Don't confuse setting realistic goals with “easy” goals. We're not suggesting you shouldn't challenge yourself. What you should pay attention to is, based on your current situation is this goal realistic. Let's look at an example.

Saving $100 per week is an attainable goal based on average income etc. How ever if you have student loans, credit card debt, a big car payment and struggling to make ends meet week to week it's not realistic for you. Where would you find another $100 per week out of your cash flow for savings. A more realistic goal might be to pay $100 a week on your highest interest credit card for 15 weeks until it's paid off.

Goals need to be do able for you in your current situation. You need to write out a plan that makes each goal realistic in your terms, detailing each step you need to do to accomplish it.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Get S.M.A.R.T. for fitness success! PT 1

S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Your Road Map to Success

We don't all need fancy programs, day planners, or electronic devices to make our goals a reality. The fact is people were successful at setting goals before the electronic age using just paper and pencil. I think it's safe to say that we can do the same thing, potentially even better without all the white noise that computer software, the Internet, and technology provides.

SMART Goal Setting

The system of S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting has been used for decades. It's difficult not to find a self improvement program from the eighties or nineties that didn't incorporate SMART goal setting as a key factor to success. Why is that? Well more then likely it's because the system works. Follow the rules laid out in the SMART system and it ensures that the goals your set are realistic, timely, and achievable.

S. M. A. R. T. Overview

S is for Specific

This is the foundation of your goal. You need to set a very specific goal just as you need a strong foundation when building a house. If you're goal isn't specific enough you'll have a difficult time achieving it to your satisfaction. The same way if you pour a faulty foundation for a new building the rest of the structure will suffer.

Setting specific goals is all about avoiding ambiguity. Goal statements need to be concise, to the point and measurable. A goal of saving money or losing weight can be a SMART goal, how ever phrased in this fashion won't set you up for success. Try to quantify goal statements: I want to save $1000.00 dollars, or I want to lose 20 pounds. If you create an open ended goal it's easy to avoid achieving it. By applying a quantity or number to your goal you can measure your success, set a deadline, and break your progress down into smaller steps.

Once you have a specific goal in mind write it down. Once a goal is written down you'll find it's more concrete in your mind.

M is for Measurable

If you've taken the advice above and set a specific goal that is some how quantified then this second step should be easy. If you're unable to measure a goal how will you know when you've achieved it? Might sound stupid but consider the above example, if you set a goal to lose weight how will you know when you've achieved your goal? When you've lost one pound, ten pounds, one hundred pounds? Starting to see the point.

For some goals, such as the weight loss example, you might very well begin to lose weight but you're never quite sure when you've achieved your goal. It's human nature to want to achieve things, we enjoy setting a goal working towards it and knowing that we completed our task. There doesn't have to be any big prize at the end of a journey, but in the case of goal setting there are benefits we'll recognize upon completion. This only makes sense other wise why would we set that goal? Why is all this important? Because it illustrates why your goals need to have a finite end point, they need to be measurable. Without a form of measure we can't evaluate our progress.


I want to lose 25 pounds before June (this is a measurable goal)

I want to lose weight this year (not that measurable)

Get back here tomorrow for PT 2 as I continue deeper into the science of the S.M.A.R.T. system!

Monday, November 3, 2008

"Freaky Fat Loss" Pictures!

Here are some great shots from my "Freaky Fat Loss" Boot Camp Benefit. The event was a blast, and we got to do a small part in helping the United Way in their "Live United" Campaign.

It still isn't too late to help! Go to to donate online. Let's make it happen for kids across the county!

And now, Freaky Fat Loss...

Monday, October 20, 2008

2 quick, calorie burning workouts...

I've put together 2 new workouts for ya to try.

These a timed set circuits, which are excellent for burning a rack of calories, and building endurance!

For these workouts, you'll only need a set of dumbells. Get a set heavy enough to make you work, but not so heavy that you can't keep the weight moving. 15 lbs should work for most females, 30-35lbs for most men.

Do the exercises for 45 seconds each with 15 seconds between exercises for 6 minutes of total work per set. Take up to 90 seconds rest between sets and complete each circuit 2 times each

Let's go!


1. Single dumbell "goblet"squat

2.Bent Over Dumbell row (2 arm)

3.Hands on dumbell pushups

4. Kneeling dumbell lateral raise

5. Dumbell curl (alternating arms)

6. Single dumbell standing rotation

Circuit #2

1. Shouldered dumbell reverse lunge

2. Lying dual dumbell pullover

3. Overhead press

4. Staggered stance dumbell upright row

5. Close grip, knees down, hands on dumbell pushups

6. Basic crunch w/dumbell on chest

We're going to do workouts just like this at our upcoming "Fat Blaster" Boot Camps!

45 minutes, 3 days a week at beautiful Hagerstown Fairgrounds park we will run, lift, throw, push, and pull our way to a leaner, more fit Hagerstown!

Our first camp begins Monday, November 3, 2008. We have an indoor location in case of unsafe conditions.

For more information, e-mail me at

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Get Your Boot Camp Power Breakfast!

If you haven't already, get registered for the Halloween "Freaky Fat Loss" Boot Camp Extravaganza! We've gotten a tremendous response for the event, and spots are filling up fast.

On 10am Saturday, October 25th, at Hagerstown Fairgrounds Park, We're gonna work, we're gonna sweat, and we're gonna help the United Way continue to do the good work that they do in our area.

And best of all, it's FREE with a donation to the United Way.

Read my Sept 29th entry for full details.

To register, email me at, and I'll send you all the materials and instructions you need to make it happen!

Here is a great recipe for Pumpkin Pancakes that comes from my colleague, registered dietician, and sports nutrition expert Dr. Dominique Adair, that is packed with enough nutritional firepower to get you through what will be one of the greatest workouts you'll ever have!

See you at the park...

Pumpkin Pancakes
By: Dominique Adair, MS, RD ACE

Pumpkin Pancakes (Makes 4 Pancakes)

A terrific pancake alternative, this recipe provides loads of vitamin A and a higher protein pancake than traditional flap jacks. Protein is a very important nutrient for pregnant women, and experts report that adding protein to meals and snacks can help with pregnancy related nausea or “morning sickness.” Don’t get deterred by slightly higher fat content. Because of the flaxseed meal, these are also loaded with omega 3 fatty-acids, which are unsaturated fats and actually cardio-protective (good for your heart).


1 large egg
½ cup pumpkin puree
1/3 cup flaxseed meal
1 Tbs canola oil
½ tsp. vanilla extract
2 Tbs non-fat sour cream or non-fat ricotta blended
½ tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp ginger
1/8 tsp ground cloves
1/8 tsp ground allspice
¼ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda


In a medium bowl, lightly beat the egg. Blend in pumpkin, oil, vanilla and sour cream. In a separate bowl, sift together all dry ingredients. Combine wet and dry ingredients. Mix well. On a lightly sprayed non-stick pan, dollop out about 1/3 cup of batter to make each pancake. Be sure to make the pancakes a little smaller than usual since they are fragile (no flour to hold them together).Serve with apple sauce, stewed fruit, or fresh fruit.

Nutrition Information/Per Pancake

111 Calories, 7 grams carbohydrate, 4 grams protein, 8 grams total fat, 1 gram saturated fat

Monday, September 29, 2008

Freaky Fat Loss!

Here we go! Halloween time is usually the beginning of the weight gain season. But this year we're partnering with the United Way of Washington County to do something about it!

On Saturday, October 25th at 10am, Kat and I will be holding a one day "Freaky Fat Loss" fitness bootcamp at beautiful Fairgrounds Park in Hagerstown, MD. We are going to show you how to get you out of the "gym grind", and help you get stronger, leaner, and more fit, all while having lots of fun! And best of all participation in this life changing event is FREE with a donation of any amount to the United Way.

The United Way and it's agencies has been instrumental in shaping the lives of my and other peoples lives for decades, so we've partnered with them to keep "moving the ball forward", and to give you the motivation you need to keep off the pounds this holiday season!

The event will feature a fun filled interval training workout put to a halloween themed soundtrack that will scare the fat off you!

There will be prizes to be won, and everyone who participates will recieve a "treat bag" full of goodies from local businesses.

After the Bootcamp there will be a "Halloween Buffet" featuring healthy fall food to be brought by participants.

Registration for this extraordinary event is FREE with a donation of any amount to the United Way of Washington County.

On Oct 25th at 10am, we are going to rock Hagerstown, and burn some through hundreds of calories. Will you join us?

To register, either contact me via e-mail:, or contact Addie Staebler with the United Way of Washington County:

Hurry! We are limiting registration to the first 50 people who respond, so take action now. Don't wait! Get yourself the in a good position to avoid the holiday weight gain, and help a great cause at the same time.

Register today, a nd we'll see you at the park!