Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Group Support For Success

One of the most important factors for fitness success is having an iron-clad support network.

This network can be friends, a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, or an accountability buddy who has the same goals as you.

In fact, studies have shown that small groups have more achievement than people who go it alone.

That's why programs like Weight Watchers are so popular. It builds a small community of like minded people who can help each other along the way.

Who can you recruit to be your accountability buddy? Do you know someone that can meet you at the gym a few times a week? Or is there someone who has done what you want to do, and can coach you through the process?

The more people you can get onboard, the more successful you'll be in 2009.

Stay Strong and Keep Moving Forward,


P.S. If you want a group support system with fat blasting, calorie incinerating workouts, you need to go to camp!

My next "Fitness 360" Boot Camp begins Monday, January 12th at 6 AM at the Ballet and All That Jazz studio in Hagerstown, MD.

To register, or to get more info, go to today!

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